CEO’s Message
“The globalization of almost every economy has accelerated over the last decade. Changes have been felt, not only with the concentration in the tyre and parts industry, but also with regards to distribution within each continent, (if not yet globally). In this context, our ambition to turn Point S into a global brand and network was relevant and has come true today.
The global expansion of our network, which is growing year on year, is key to maintaining our independence, an essential value shared by all the Point S members, as independent entrepreneurs, worldwide.
Our global dimension also contributes to putting us in a good position to anticipate and prepare our network for the future strong mutation of our market, and therefore of our business model, which will be related to the supply of new mobility solutions and services.
The Point S trademark was established 5 decades ago. The sustainability of our brand relies on our capacity to anticipate and adapt to market trends while preserving the professional and human values of the community we are forming with our members and partners. Rest assured that we will continue to work in this direction to address market changes.”
Fabien BOUQUET – Point S International CEO

First steps towards internationalisation
Point S can pride itself on being the first independent network to have had an international vision. A member located near the German border was the first to start networking outside of France. This connection with a German dealer was the starting point for the brand’s internationalisation.
In 1989, one of the first European Economic Interest Groupings (EEIG) – the European Tyre Committee (ETC) – makes its appearance. Soon Italy joins the newly internationalised network.
The ETC then represents the Point S brand as a unique brand and is made up of 3 companies: SEDA in France, Partner GmbH in Germany, and Pneu Service in Italy. The whole network now consists of 630 companies and is based on a partnership principle whose primary concern is to preserve its members’ independence.
Fast forward to 2006 and the network has now accelerated its international expansion after the International Department was created and it is no surprise that Point S is now spread over 5 continents.
International expansion
Today Point S is, more than ever, an international network, with a presence in 51 countries and more than 6,562 Point of Sale across the globe.
- Over 19 million tyres sold annually (for cars, trucks, agricultural and industrial vehicles).
- Global consolidated network turnover is now more than US$4.2Bn.

The dynamic expansion of the network abroad is driven by several key factors:
- Expanding into a new country with new members increases the network’s global potential sales volume which in turn enhances the negotiation power with the suppliers.
- An improved global coverage allows Point S to best meet the needs of fleet key accounts, who are mostly international companies present in several countries or continents.
- A new member country means additional expertise and experience readily available for the other countries. The expansion of Point S abroad brings added value to ALL member countries and in turn helps to contribute to assure the future of the network.